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Monday, September 29, 2008
i jsut came back yesterday and i didnt get a chance to really write anything here..
since i was so tired..
i couldnt even take a glance anymore yesterday..
i did something bad in singapore..
i shouldnt have done it but i hope it is once and for all..
took many pictures with grace they all..
will put it up here soon..
supposingly i got so many things to write here abt my journey.
but i cant remember and i am far way to lazy to describe my journey..
so i guess i will just let it stay in my memory forever...

going brastagi tmr.. bringing my laptop along..
going with the temple friends..
lets see how the journey goes tmr..
anyway.. damn hungry now..
i am also damn sleeppy..
gotta get some sleep now..
may all of us sleep well tonite..
12.03 am

*i miss you*

" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

11:56 PM

Friday, September 26, 2008
suddenly miss my familyy..
padahal baru aja atu ari ke singapore itw pun untuk jalan2 disini..
eh pass malamna sblom bobo malah kepkr org rumah..
apa lage ntar gua di taiwan yach?
apa ga merengek rengek gua disana?/
gua bentar ge dah au pgi ujian ne..
after ciap ujian.. i tink the first person i will tell to is tung2 ba..
bis dia orgna lucu.. dia kyk saudara gua gtw dhe..
apa ja sa ngm.. wahaha..
untung gua kenal dia..
he is such a good friend dah..

wont be coming home that early today.. coz might be going somewhere with my friends
till dawn..
hopefully like tat ba..
better end here..

" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

11:16 AM

rasana ada yang beda dari dia hari demi hari..
ga tau apa yang harus kuperbuat dengan ini semua..
kadang gua rindu banget ma dia berharap dia yg cari gua dulu tpi
itw hanya bisa jadi sebuah mimpi doank deh..
gua skrg ge di singapore..
tdi pagi baru ampe and i have been out all morning loh...
until i cant take it anymore but to go home..
but until this time i am still wide awake though..
having oral chinese exam tmr.. 
but its in the afternoon so i am not tat worried.
meeting up with devar,wei qing,hardy and shi yong tmr..
if possible..
after that i am meeting steffi,jessica and my babe.
owh.. anway,i have been out all day with babe..
but at around 7pm she started to feel unwell so i asked her to go home..
tats my journey for today.. owhh.. one more ting,i shop alot today.
going brastagi with the AM e lang on tuesday..
2 days after i got back from singapore..
hopefully i can go cause i tink it will be damn fun..
bette end here..
ben's mac book is dying soon..
i hope i have a gud sleep today and have a sweet dream..
gud nite everyone...

" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

12:25 AM

Tuesday, September 23, 2008
sudden happiness!!
i get to see the penguin face today!
i mean both of the penguin!
the one that i made and the one that i said his nickname is a penguin!

i couldnt believe that he actually brought the penguin there..
thnks alot o..
i guess i am over to sensitive abt u huh..


" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

10:27 PM

firasat cewe memank selalu bener..
aneh yach...
knp se gua harus di tuduh yg begituan..

anyway,selama ne firasat wa bener oo...
rupana tuh org cmn cari wa pass ada perlunya..
gpp au deh..
lama2 jg terbiasa au..
padahal pass minggu malam gua perlu dia banget..
tpi dia ge sibuk dan pun nga membalas sms org..
dah ah.. jgn ngm tntg itw auu...

lusa gua dah berangkat ke singapore..
ampe minggu tok se..
den perhaps on monday gua ke brastagi ma org vihara...
gua dah gila bah..
baru plg ke medan the next day pergi lage..
kira2 bakal di ksh ga yach..
pasti di ksh dah...
dah ah.. gua dah males cerita.. ari ne mood gua ge ga baek..

" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

9:44 PM

Friday, September 19, 2008
not going..
not going singapore tomorrow.
is being cancel just because of my passport that is not done yet..
i am so dissapointed..
fortunately my exam could be postponed to friday..
if not i am so doom..!!!
anyway, i was home the whole day today..
didnt want to go anywhere.
going to the temple tmr and watch a movie after tat perhaps..
i seldom see him or go out with him noww..
oh well.. since he start his university..
too bad then..
gonna lost a friend again..
who cares dah..
anyway,been missing someone lately..

" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

11:08 PM

prelim is oOVER!!
but O'LVL is COMING! T.T

poor me..
one exam over and one is coming.. haix..

kenapa seorang cewe menarik kesimpullan gtw cpet ar?
dah ah..
cemua ini cmn KESENANGAN SESAAT...
ntar jg udah ga kyk gini lage.. wahaha...
apa yg di kata babe tuh bener..
its gonna be a roller-coaster ride for me this time..
oh my god babe!!
i cant wait to meet up with u!!
plenty things to tell u..


" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

11:08 PM

Wednesday, September 17, 2008
updating post..
left one exam to go which is this Friday..
weird thing happened to me..
i feel that this few paper is the paper where i can answer freely
but why do i feel insecure with my answers?
hopefully my result will be improve. =)
leaving Medan this Sunday morning.. hehe..

anyway, there is one feeling that i'd like to describe.
is a feeling whereby i felt that whenever i need someone to talk to
or even someone whom can cheer up,he is always there for me..
for instance,yesterday i was all stressed up and actually i was not in the mood to tok
to anybody but i dunno why i called him and i was hoping tat he could relief my stress.
in result i do feel relief but i also feel bad because i took up too much of his time.. T.T
isn't it weird? is like he knows how i feel or perhaps its just coincidence.
no one noes the answer.. haix..
i admit that i do really feel happy when i get to tok to him dis few days..
(although i had to used up quite a sum of money)
because,its like a very different thing when i tok to him and tok to other friends.
i dunno why..
i do miss him though but yach.. wat to do.. is no point of me missing him..
he already had a gf there.. *tat is wat i heard from his friends.*
to come to a conclusion,i just feel happy when i get to tok with him. =)


" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

1:44 PM

Sunday, September 14, 2008
yesterday was madness!
i reach like wat 1am!!!!
i NEVER come home so late before at medan..
and i was like so tired lah with all the event yesterday..
i was like wearing heels and i had to walk here walk there and even stand there all the time..
but everything was paid off. hehe.. was quite happy lah there.
anyway,been very lazy writting blogs.
tmr i am having my math prelim exam. and yet i am still so calm..
i better end here.

" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

1:46 PM

Monday, September 8, 2008




i am like slacking!!




anyway,yesterdaywas like a true weird day.. hmm.. why do i called it a weird day... because yesterday i was like driving like a mad girl.. hahaha...

ok.. seriously i am so happy yesterday although we didnt play enough at the BEACH!!

but still... we had quite a day!!

haha.. see the photo above...

there are actually many more photo. but too lazy to upload so many. hehe..


" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

8:30 PM

Thursday, September 4, 2008
the day you left.....
today i couldnt believe that you actually left.
this morning,i was talking on the phone with you.
all of a sudden at nite,you told me that you are leaving already.
well,you leave for good didnt you and you are continueing your study.
but why are you so bad towards me?
why didnt you want to tell me this morning that you are actually leaving tonight?
no wonder you told me that you are busy today and that you cant follow us this saturday.
you made me sad today. although in the morning i was happy and thrilled at the same time.
anyway,i felt that this one week since i talk to you on the phone,you tend to tell me more about the thingsthat happend around you and you really listen to my never ending story.
i really treasure all that.thanks for being such a listener. =)
since you are no longer here,i cant really get a chance to share my never ending story with you anymore. unless we were online at the same time and unless you have not forgotten me as your friend that frustrates you everyday.
now i really feel that i lost someone important.but i dunno the word important means what.haha..
all these things,i can only write it here. i wouldnt know if you will read my blog so yach..anyway,i am gonna miss you and gonna miss the days i had with you. especially the day of ur birthday.=)soon i gotta find someone who can quarrel with me and be there for me when i need them. haix.
talking about your birthday.
hmm... your present are still with me.so i guess if i am going there for good too,i'll bring it along for you.if not then when i get a chance to meet you then i'll give it to you.
i was wondering something. did you bring along the penguin or did you put it at home?

hmm... *curiousity* hoping that you did bring it there even though it was not from someone special.JIA YOU there OOO!!! ^0^ hoho.. stop flirting so much with the girls there.. =)


" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

8:03 PM


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Vivid Florentine Teguh AW here.. =) turning 19 this year at april 14. born in Indonesia (MEDAN),leaving for singapore at the end of june or beggining of july. currently in a relationship with a guy name KElvin Leo. thanks to him for being so patient towards me. =) muacks..

LOVE my family my boyfriend all my friends to bake and cook to talk to make people smile and laugh out loud to eat many more things.. =) HATE

being hate by people a friend that forget me a friend that betray me bitches sluts and many more...


* Friend
sherley lueis
shirly hardjono
* Friend

March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
October 2009

Designer: Fish_fries
Photo: Flogao/Byluluka
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