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Sunday, August 31, 2008
hari yg melelahkan,yg bau and yg happy..
gua tdi pagi2 ada ngm tlp ma satu org,tpi yach gtw dech.. berhubung wa ai ngajar anak kecil di vihara mandarin terpaksa dah harus tutup tlp.. haix.. mlh dia sibuk ge malemna.. wew.. cuap duehh..

hahaha.. ari ne tuh kan che it. jadi pada ke vihara ne muda mudina and org tua..
yg ada di vihara muda mudina tuh banyak tp yg deket pny cmn ''tung2,wandy,aben,apen,wendy,wa,p'zhe,nao2 and abit.'' yg datang cemua kecuali se ABIT! haha.. ke ospek dia. hmm.... kt tdi berempat yg duduk di belakang untuk bantu2 dari belakang tuh,''wa,apen,wendy ma nao2.'' superduper panas men di belakang. malah gua pakek hai qing lage. waduh hai.. tambah panasna.. dah gtw,''tung2,aben,wandy ma p'zhe'' di depan maen instruement vihara tuh thak keng o..jdi mrk ga ma kt2. hehe. kt ari ne tuh kerja harus super cepat and muntap ooo.. dan sehari ini lah rasa lelah,rasa bau and rasa happyna tuh wew... muantap dah.. gua ga sa stop ketawa. oh iya,ciap thak keng cemua and pass pada dah plg,kt muda mudi tinggal di vihara untuk beres beresin barang. itw lha dimana kt betul2 enjoy.. ketawa,sekaligus mengeluh capena. sgtw capena,kt msh sempet poto2 loh.. wahahaha...
parah dah kt cemua.. dah gtw di tambah lage semua aroma badan kt phew... muantap dah.. meskipun kt gtw bau,kt masih sempet ke pizza hut tuk maem loh.. =)))
abis maem baru pada plg.. hahaha.. iihh.. pokokna ari ne tuh complete dah.. ada aromana lage.. phew.. hahahaha...

oh yach,i am working part time now. wahaha.. lucky for me but it will be much tiring than ever. =)
but its ok lah its for my own experience.. hahahaha.. peace..=D


" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

11:39 PM

Tuesday, August 26, 2008
tralalal trilili trululu trelele trololo...bosan banget ne di sekul..mumpung ge ga ada lesson ne,gua tulis blog dulu ajah di notepad tar mlem baru di post..huehuehue...
bbrp ari ne gua males banget dah buat apa2..dah gtw,gua found out that i am having PRILIMANTRY exam in 17 days.hoho...
and on the 20th of september i am going singapore because i am having o'lvl chinese oral exam at queensway secondary school..
dah 2 hari ne gua ga da suara jadina ai ngm tlp pun susah.
ngm aja pun rasana males gtw.haix..
semalem gua ke vihara tpi bukan kesana untuk niam keng lohh..gua kesana ma wendy buat pr masing2.dia ada project work and me doing some crappy english comprehension homework and math homework.=D
oh iyach,tung tung ntar sore ke jakarta au loh.. dia kamis baru plg tuh anak..thanks to him and felix gua jadi agak lega atas masalah gua itw.apa ge yach....

gua ada buat sesuatu buat MR.P tpi kykna se ga bkl kesampe ke tangan dia deh.bis,kt ja dah ga pernah keluar bareng temen2 gtw.kapan2 dah ketemu baru sa ksh dia.itw pun kl barangna kaga hilang.

To: MR.N hidup memank kejam tapi yang lebih menyedihkan lagi jika kita harus berpura2 tidak tau walaupun sebenarnya kita tau.
kata2 ini lah yang gua akan kasih ke elu sooner or later. *to someone that is such a JERK!*
i simply cant believe that you such a person. last time you were not like that. why now you are like this? loe kaga ada prinsip diri loe sendiri dan gengsi loe itw lah telah mengcelakai diri loe sendiri! selama bbrp ari ne gua avoid lu,apa lu sadar atas kata2 yg telah elo blg?

To: MISS.G segila apa pun gua,gua kaga pernah KEGATELLAN panggil dia SAYANK dlan ok!

" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

8:27 PM

Saturday, August 23, 2008
moving onn...
so sick yesterday.. my head is like being hit and press down by something hard and heavy.. today,at least better than yesterday but still my throat hurts and guess wat,leley is also sick.. lolx..
anyway,i might be moving to a livejournal. perhaps.. when i am free den i will move.. hahaha..
so far,i didnt think much abt someone but i felt weird for the past 4 days i had the weirdest dream ever in my life. it is like it is not link to my real world. something like tat.. haha..
BORED BORED BORED!!! i have not been going to the temple for like wat 7days?? i guess....

i got a new phone.. a phone that i wanted.. not really so desperate of tat phone but yach i got it.. a sony ericsson phone.. hehe..


" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

9:51 PM

Wednesday, August 20, 2008
6 more days to go
appraently i am waiting for the days to past on.. i am still counting that 6 days. is gonna be 5 days soon.. hohoho..
after that 5 days,i will noe exactly what i want to noe..
thank god i had got such chance. =)
once i get out of ur life,i wouldnt be having such head ache anymore..
i told babe abt it..
so ya.. i got to tolerate these 6 days in order to get a better future. and i got to stop finding and putting on hope.. =)
gotta end here..

" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

10:06 PM

Sunday, August 17, 2008
hohoho.. ari ne gua dari ciank keluar oo... =)
ciank gua ke vihara. ampun dah,gua keringattan ampe plg rumah ganti baju trus balik ge ke vihara.. hahaha..
dah gtw,
wendy,steven,tung2,wandy,aben,shifu,abit,p'zhe,lisna,atie,me and one or two more girls and a guy yg gua ga tau namana. hehe.. collyyy ooo...
kt cemua ke thambrin pny pizza hut maem ar.. =)
we TOK and we LAUGH so loud there.. lolx..
having lots of fun lohh... huehuehue..
stelah maem,seharusna gua jemput aida trus pigi angsapura e ar. tp ga jadi.
jadina wa ngedrop aida di angsapura,berhubung mama wa dah merepet2..
hehe.. jadi phai se oo...
ampe cini ajah deh.. pokokna wa ari ne cenenk ajah.. hehe.. =)

" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

10:35 PM

Saturday, August 16, 2008
you are meddling my privacy life too much.. i hate it.. now becoz of u everything is tossing and twisting around and you make me had a bad head ache!! GRRR!!!! please mind your own business would u.. you dunno exactly wat had happend so please just SHUT UP!! URGH!! *to a gal*

i am very dissapointed in you. i had no words to describe how disspointed am i right now. and i just wish to go far far away from you. if i could,i wouldnt even want to take another look of you!! URGH!! *to a guy*

thanks to someone yesterday i didnt drop a single tear and i am happy.. thankuew so much for cheering me up. although you dunno that i was actually very frustrated yesterday. you are always there for me when i need you. i dunno why. lolx. even though you dunno abt it but i noe it and it is enough for me to noe it to myself. =)
*to someone that acc me yesterday till 1+ am.*

today,i was like not home the whole day. i was like out the whole day. can u just imagine that? and my mom didnt realize that. phew.. hehe.. at around 11,i was with my friends and some teacher at cemara asri to play badminton. i was sweating like i never sweat for a whole month. lolx. and it was exhausting until my hand shakes. haha.. but it was fun though. then we went for lunch at 2+pm. we had lunch at TAIPAN! lolx. we ate dim sum. den after dat,the gals and i were at leley house. we loiter at her house until 7plus so tat we can eat KWETIAU BELACHAN! hahahah...
at leley house,we tok alot and ended up watching korea movie.. haha..
seriously today exhaustion was not describeable. on my way home,my brain start to think abt the problem that i am facing now. haix. and i almost clash with a motorcycle. thank god i didnt. =)
i tink i should just stop here for today. i am too tired already. hopefully i will be fine tmr...

" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

9:36 PM

Thursday, August 14, 2008
speechless 9.18pm
D'masiv (di antara kalian)
"ku akui ku sangat sangat menginginkanmu tapi kini ku sadar ku di antara kalian
aku tak mengerti ini semua harus terjadi
ku akui ku sangat sangat mengharapkanmu tapi kini ku sadar ku tak akan bisa
aku tak mengerti ini semua harus terjadi
lupakan aku,kembali padanya,
aku bukan sapa sapa untukmu.
ku cintaimu tak berarti bahwa ku harus memilikimu selamanya..."

semua ini rasana aneh and lucu bagi ku.. gua cmn bisa treasure tiap detik yg ada bersamamu. makasih udah sayank ma gua. =) meskipun gua berharap,tidak berarti lu harus menerima gua. aku lbh memilih kt tetep kyk gini karna kemungkinan besar 6bln lage aku udah ga di medan. setelah itw,semuana akan berakhir antara kita. makasih udah anggap gua sebagai temen deket yg elu cayank. gua senenk bs mendapat kasih sayank dari elo.
gua berharap,kt tidak akan bahas tentang apa yg kt udah bahas selama 3 kale. gua nga mau lage ambil pusink semua itw. gua betul2 cape and pngn nangis rasana setelah pikirrin itw semua. tp ini semua sebuah pengalaman bagi gua. thnks alot dude. luph u.. mwah..

" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

8:57 PM

Monday, August 11, 2008
no schooll.. 11.51am

hehe.. i did not go to school today since i have to go and collect something.. hehe.. =)

then yesterday i was having quite a fantastic day though coz in a whole life time i have not watch 3 movie in a DAY!
well.. yesterday was suppose to be girls outing but ms marny went back at about 4plus. after sending her back home,me and leley and someone went back to palladium.. leley went straight home as her father had came to fetch her.
then i was with someone.. we went to catch a movie.. wanted to watch the mummy but there were no more place and the second one was too late already.. so we ended up watching OH BABY! is nice though.very few people were at the cinema..so yach.. after watching that movie,we decided to watch THE MUMMY that was at 9pm so we went down to the locket to buy ticket and went up again to continue watching.. it finishes at about 10.45pm. i was like so screwed up as it is already so late at nite.
anyway,thnks to someone i had a FABULOUS day yesterday.. had not gotten that kind of experience in one day.. haha..

anyway,time still go on and all i can do is just to let time decide on what our next steps would be and hopefully it is best for the both of us. now our destiny is on god's hand. =)

" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

11:41 AM

Saturday, August 9, 2008
damn! today i got head ache for the whole day.. haix..
somemore today is like the 9th day i eat vegetarian. gonna stop tmr coz IMAN gua ga cukup kuat.. hehe..
hopefully next year i can last for a month..
anyway,i went to the temple alone today since he went to brastagi with his family. he is coming back tomorrow though. sms me also after sometime he dun reply. hin lo..
dun care liau lahh.. he is also not mine. hehe. =)
anyway,today i suddenly miss someone.. dunno why leh..
miss quarreling with him. feel like calling him but i scared he is so busy lah.. so i decided not to call him loh.. hue.. -.-''
anyway,quite a boring day today. i was like in bed the whole day since my head ache got so bad.. T.T
and NO ONE CARE FOR ME!! only my FISH care for me.. T.T
so sad...

" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

11:11 PM

Friday, August 8, 2008
arent today date cool?
anyway,i was like laughing away in school today with the crazy FISH in my class!!
and i was like suppose to be in the temple now..
but i ended up at home..
because i was out with william,mr.irvin and vivi just now..
felt so bad for no reason.. haix..
anyway,i didnt get to watch the tv programme on the launching of the olympic thingyy..
coz the bloody hotel doesnt had the channell.. URGH!!!
anyway,i hope everybody had a great day today..
luph u all...

" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

9:10 PM

Tuesday, August 5, 2008
laziness is attacking me..
its been like sometime since i last wrote something on this blog huh..
oh well...
i have been going to the temple deligently dis few days and i am also getting very lazy
in all the things that i do..
sometime i wonder why am i getting so lazy at this time round whereby my
gosh! what is wrong with me?
something is isnt right here..

lots of things had happend around here. some make me in a buoyant mood but some make me in a very bad mood.
anyway,i once told a teacher that he or she should smile everyday when he or she entered our class.. apparently,he or she did smile everyday when he or she entered our class.. he or she smile because he or she cant stop BULLYING me!! POOR me!! for the sake of that teacher smile i had to let he or she BULLY me! T.T
but it was fun though.. as that teacher is a very funny one.. =)

anyway,i was really missing my babe.. i dunno why.. haix.. its like since a long time we did not share out story.. =( i miss you babe..

" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

8:40 PM

Friday, August 1, 2008
writting dis for babe..
babe.. today is like a worthless day for me..
i am so restless for dunno why..
in school i have been going to the libary to skip some classes just to have sometime alone..
something is not right here but i dunno what it is..
you know babe,i feel like crying and breaking down..
i am totally confuse..
and i am totally lazy of doing anything now.. even go out.
i feel restless babe..
i had rather not go out..
anyway babe,starting today until august ends,i will be a vegeterian for a month.
hopefully i can last that long babe..

hmm... i went to the temple again just now,and guess wat babe,he is so restless too today..
he is worse than me i tink. coz his face expression was like showing that he is all stress up and had something in his mind gtw babe..
i tried to cheer him up babe but i cant. i dare not.. coz,i scared that it will just make it even worst.
so i just ignore him or should i say that i avoided him just now..

anyway,i avoided many people today.. i am just not in the mood to talk to some of them dunno why.. and i am so sory...i had rather be alone than i let all of u my face expression that shows no interest at all to talk to you all...

" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

11:07 PM


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Vivid Florentine Teguh AW here.. =) turning 19 this year at april 14. born in Indonesia (MEDAN),leaving for singapore at the end of june or beggining of july. currently in a relationship with a guy name KElvin Leo. thanks to him for being so patient towards me. =) muacks..

LOVE my family my boyfriend all my friends to bake and cook to talk to make people smile and laugh out loud to eat many more things.. =) HATE

being hate by people a friend that forget me a friend that betray me bitches sluts and many more...


* Friend
sherley lueis
shirly hardjono
* Friend

March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
October 2009

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