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Saturday, July 26, 2008
hari ini gua tdi kermh temen buat brownies.. den i went over to the hotel to meet friends and teachers.. dah gtw sempet plg dulu makan.. den i went to the temple with 2 people..
pada akhirna we got no place to go and ended up going round medan.. T.T
after tat gua anter pei zhe pulang.. last is tat someone.. we were toking away in the car for quite a while then suddenly his small bro appear make the both of us shock cause he was like stick his face at the door window. then i saw his mom.. then i was toking away with his mom while he is chasing the mouse out of his house.. dah gtw.. the brownies that i made just now,i gave it to him since he want it and since he like it..
seriously i dun intend to make it for him..
after that i went home at about 10plus deh..
that is all for today..
was kind of uncomfortable when i saw his mom. T.T
so soryy..

" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

10:46 PM

Thursday, July 24, 2008
every now and then..
everything for me now is just laziness. i am so lazy with my school work.. haix..
my maths now is even worst than last year. oh god,why am i so poor in math? T.T

things that happend now and then is like so privacy and it is so impossible for me to write it down here. huiks.. T.T

anyway,i miss OCHI!! T.T

my emotion nowadays is uncontrolable. ARGH! i can just burst anytime.
so those of you who dont want to get scolding from me,DONT COME NEAR ME!!

i just wanna be who i am. please dun judge me that way. T.T



" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

8:28 PM

Tuesday, July 22, 2008
weird tings happend today.. today is kwan im se and just now i went to the temple to thak keng o.plus,today it was a great day for me perhaps cause we had lots of fun there although we are supposed to be serious.half way thak keng,it was raining heavily and we thought it would stop after we finish thak keng.eh rupa rupanya hujannya mangkin lebat ar.. ampe hai si seseorang jalan kaki dari depan kerumahnyaakibat banjirna selutut and mobilku ga sa masuk o takut mesinnya mati.. hehe..it was my first experience on such thing dech.. lucu banget denger suara airna that go against my car. hehe.smlm pass kita ge thak keng gtw,ada atu org yg kepalana kena ketok ampe segituw kerasna suarna.. is like *BRUK!!*hahaha...gua sekarang mangkin rajin ke sana bis kaga ada bosannya gtw. segituw gilana se tung2 mrk ar. hehe.anyway,kykna mgg ne ga da yg pigi dech bis se tung2 ke brastagi dari jumat ampe mgg ar.rese e..
anyway,sometime i think through on the things that i had done that dissapoint everybody ormake someone upset about it. but,all i do is just go with the flow and i dun tink it is alternately my fault. T.Tkalau bisa memiliki seseorang yang betul2 cayank ma kita sebenarnya bagus and enak juga. tapi kalau kita sebagai satu cewe yg mencari seseorang yang betul2 cayank ma kita,i think it is hard to find that someone. T.T
PS: apakah ini hanya sebatas kenangan atau cinta atau suka? -.-''

" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

8:39 PM

Saturday, July 19, 2008
it had been 3 days or more..
that i last wrote on this blog.. hehe..
anyway,i had not been going online since the last 3 days coz i have been going to the temple deligently and i reach home at like 11pm at nite?haha. i had realize everything. almost everything in my life that i need to change to have a better life. =)

there is one thing that i need to clarify here,
'' in the future,if he break up with his gf,it is not because of me and it is not my fault. so people who think that i am the 3rd person,please erase that thinking in your mind. thanks ''

btw,i have been controlling every single emotion that i have especially my anger. i had been controlling that. so far so good. =)
nothing much to say here. i have start school for a week and my homework are all pile up in one corner and i got to start doing all my homework tomorrow. ^^
perhaps one day i will realise how important an education is for my future.

anyway,going to the temple again tmr at about 9am. =)
i am just going to end it here for today. i got to refresh my mind by getting a good night sleep. ^.^

" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

9:36 PM

Tuesday, July 15, 2008
gua ngantuk berat!!
gua hari ini ngantuk berat di cekull.. ne bentar ge udah mau tidur ne gua..
anyway,i become the class monitor. lolx.. weird huh.. and my darling become treasurer.. wahaha..
dah ah.. gua bingung ge mau tulis apa.. asal tulis yg aneh2 pada di jadiin gossip.. cape dech.. bleahx...

" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

9:36 PM

Monday, July 14, 2008
cape dech..
walah.. tuh blog yg dibawah tuh sebagian gua isenk doank.. jangan anggap serius dunk.. bleahz..
anyway,today is the first day of school.. and i hate it! urgh!!!bete bete seharian tdi..

" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

9:13 PM

Saturday, July 12, 2008
hari ini kaga tau knp rasana gua cape banget. otak gua pngn na tidur mll. ngantuk lage. and ended up gua plg langsung tidur ampe skrg baru bangun. huiks.. T.T
gua rencana hari ini mau cerita ke diana. tpi kaga sempet cerita deh. haix.
anyway,tomorrow i will be going out the whole day with the temple people. hopefully i will enjoy it and i will make sure i enjoy it. =)

" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

9:42 PM

Friday, July 11, 2008
masih sayank..
gua masih sayank kok ma loe..
hari ini betul2 kenangan yg terindah.. makasih..
tp hatiku tetep merasa bersalah..
gmn ne??

" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

11:12 PM

Monday, July 7, 2008
"kepengen banget semuana balik lage seperti semula.
kepengen banget ngerasain kasiah sayankna dari elo lage.
kepengen banget jadi milikmu lage.
kepengen banget pny kenang kenangngan yg kyk dlu.
kepengen banget semuana terjadi seperti apa yg gua harapkan."
semua ini hanya lah ilusi.. ga tau mau tulis apa lage disini. haix. today is a very boring day!


" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

6:53 PM

Sunday, July 6, 2008
had a wonderful flashback.
i am so tired today. i just reach home today from the 3 days 2 night trip with some of the temple friend from brastagi. we was camping. i met lots of new friends. thnks all to someone. he introduce to me so many friends and he had take a very good care of me and last but not least,he really kept his promise. he was with me all the time. thankuew so much. =)
anyway,for that 3 days i had a very clear flash back. is like the past. but i noe it is just for that 3 days. i felt bad though.
anyway,i had some great pictures of the lake toba view. it was so natural and fantastic.
owh god. is like the first time i see the lake toba was with him and the second time it is still with him. haix. anyway,now it is all left with memories.
luckily i already had someone in my heart. but still when i was there,i admit that my heart really melts when i am with him. he is so kind lah. i dunno why last time i dun appreciate him. haix. =(
i'll put the pictures tmr i guess. i am damn tired now and smelly. gonna take a bath and get to sleep real soon.
PS: i sms that person but guess wat,he only bother to reply me once. as long as he replied i tink is ok lah hor. *headache* T.T


" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

9:32 PM

Wednesday, July 2, 2008
too bad for me today.
finally i asked him what i wanted to asked then he cant do it so yach. haix.
guess i might be alone first. haix.
i think 1st week will be the worse part where i'll be crying i guess coz i am so gonna be homesick. T.T
who else should i find?
he is so different now. is so hard to talk to him now.
i thought when i get there at least he could keep me accompany for a week. argh! who to find??!!! gosh!! T.T
finally my only option is to find that other person ar? T.T (dun wish too) hiks..
better think twice before i asked that other person.. T.T


" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

9:09 PM


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Vivid Florentine Teguh AW here.. =) turning 19 this year at april 14. born in Indonesia (MEDAN),leaving for singapore at the end of june or beggining of july. currently in a relationship with a guy name KElvin Leo. thanks to him for being so patient towards me. =) muacks..

LOVE my family my boyfriend all my friends to bake and cook to talk to make people smile and laugh out loud to eat many more things.. =) HATE

being hate by people a friend that forget me a friend that betray me bitches sluts and many more...


* Friend
sherley lueis
shirly hardjono
* Friend

March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
October 2009

Designer: Fish_fries
Photo: Flogao/Byluluka
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