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Monday, June 30, 2008
i went to brastagi like on last saturday. went there with the hut teng lah o. =)
at first i refuse to go but for the sake of my dad i go loh. hehe.. anyway,i really enjoy the day i had there. it was nice. and i am so exhausted yesterday.
yesterday was like the second time i ever run so fast and in such a short time until i couldnt catch my breath properly. haha. the first time i ran like that was when i was still in OSS and when i was taking my NAFA test to run the 2.4km thingy..
i was totally pooped yesterday. is like a very good combination i had. i was so exhausted,plus i was unwell.. and today my whole body hurts like hell!!

i feel bad smsging with someone that already had a gf.how i wish time could turn back. if at that time i could quickly realize all my mistake then i wouldnt end up dis way.

anyway,might be going brastagi again on the 4th of july till the 6th of july with him and his temple friends. so yach.
once and for all,everything between me and him is over and is the past already.

and my heart now still couldnt forget someone else. haix. what to do ar? i tink is such a waste of time for me to sms him,when he didnt even bother to reply it so wat for i sms him again? bleahz. T.T when i need his help then at that time he would reply me. then will he think that i find him only when i need him?

anyway,tomorrow helny they all and me will be sending kiki off and i am starting school tomorrow at 2pm. haix. so i might be skipping 2 days of school if i go brastagi again. =)

great,now both of my shoulder is aching. T.T huiks huiks.. T.T


" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

12:39 PM

Thursday, June 26, 2008
hari ini gua serasa cape banget. ga tau np. padahal gua nga buat apa2 dari tadi.
pnbgn banget bs tidur nyenyak. memank semalam gua tuh pngnblg sesuatu ke dia tp since diana kaga jawab gua rasa nga perlu di bahas lage. haix. mata gua hari ini serasa lelah and males banget.pngn tdr tp asal sampe tmpt tdr pasti melek lage. huiks.. T.T
bsk wa masak jamur and buat sandwich ooo.. =) moga2 bs ada tenaga dah..
pgnn istirahat skrg. T.T

" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

7:26 PM

Wednesday, June 25, 2008
kyknya asal gua pngn ngm ma elo kok kyk ada beban gtw yach?
padahal ada bnyk yg pngn gua ngm ke loe. tp ga bs keluar dari mulut gua.
and now it seems to me that it doesnt matter to me anymore if u wan to go offline or wat so ever.
last time,i would persuade u not to go offline but now i tink is just a waste of time and effort.
because,wats the point of me persuading u when in the end u will still go offline and when the end,i am the one who feels that i am so stupid persuading someone that had feelings for other gal? haix. t.t
cape dach.. kapan semua ini berakhir ar? T.T


" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

11:03 PM

Tuesday, June 24, 2008
today,i woke at abt 12.30pm because i slept at 3am yesterday talking with one of my friend on the phone till that late. bleahz. not long after i woke up,kevin came over to my house. we plan to make donuts! well... it took us 5hours just to make donuts. but it turn out fantastic though. hehe.. =)
i am starting school soon. in like exact one week time. received a sms from ms.marny to inform us that school starts at 2pm on tuesday. sheeshh.. it was supposed to start in the morning. because there were no more flight avaible for mr sam on the 30th of june,we go to go school at 2pm. haha..
that is the exact day too whereby kiki will be leaving. oh well,i guess we are sending him off.
anyway,it have been quite sometime already since i last talk to that person. well i dunno whether he read my blog or not. anyway,if he did,i would like to tell him that i might be going to taiwan either this mid july or mid august. hopefully i can tell him more. because before that decision,i got to go through with so many syndrome. haix.
going brastagi again this saturday. will be staying one nire. go there with the hut teng people. i was so called ''willingly wanna go'' damn. will be back by sunday evening. hopefully i am still able to go out with kiki they all dah. since he is leaving soon.. bleahz..


" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

8:44 PM

Sunday, June 22, 2008
i have got plenty of things to learn in such a short time. having my o'lvl in like 3months time and a few more days. yet i am still so relax. this one month holiday i have not been study anything. haix. all i think during this holiday is to have fun without stopping. have fun with all my friends. especially my friend that is leaving the country soon. haix. elvis is leaving on the 1st of july. at the same time whereby i am starting school too. gonna miss him so much. t.t
when school starts,everything is back to REALITY. i got to study so hard for my o'lvl because my result is ATROCIOUS!(sory if i misspell it.) bleahz..
i have been at home today. it was so boring.. urgh!! next week i have to get out of the house men!! hahaha..

" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

8:09 PM

Saturday, June 21, 2008
apa dia marah? apakah dia cemburu? herann dah..
anyway,gua ari ne pgi ntn kungfu panda lage ma temen2.. tp kale ne ma temen piaget. haha.. imoet pandana.. anyway,there is lots of things that i want to type here. but i am far too lazy. btw,i have been waking up at 12pm for the past few days. dunno why.. haha.. lol.. time passes by so fast and tommorrow is sunday already.. =(

" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

9:16 PM

Thursday, June 19, 2008
udah 3 hari ini ati gua ga tenank tenank.. haix. kepikir apa cekul yg gua mau masuk bakal terima gua yach? huiks.. t.t pngn cerita ke org yg bs buat gua cenenk and ribut ma gua e. tp kykna tuh org ge sibuk bngt ma pacarna ar.. huiks. moga2 di terima dech. kl nga di terima,ga tau au nasib gua gmn. bis gua ga ada plan B! T.T
blom apa2 gua udah ragu dluan. padahal kertas pendaftarannya ajah blom datang.. hati gua dug dig dag dug dig dag trus.. takut banget!!! t.t
MODEL!! gmn gua ga ragu leh.. gua ga da plan B leh.. loe bs2na suruh gua jgn ragu and blom apa2 dah suruh wa santai.. mana suruh gua sekul dokter ge sebagai plan B gua. gila ar loe model!!!
hin lo hin lo.....
李松峰!!! i love ur shout out dude!! haha.. sama2 berjuang kt yach.. wahaha..

" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

8:49 PM

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

10:39 PM

Monday, June 16, 2008
moi lucky day!!
gua hari ini keluar ma temen PIAGET! is all about fun fun fun.. hari ne,se afong chia ciak oo.. =) abis maem kt ke timezone maen game. huehuehue. do some of those silly pictures and all dhe. dah gtw,kt maen game yg isa dapet ticket punya and i played twice and that twice,i got CHAMPION which means i get lots of tickets!
hahaha.. after that,we exchange the ticket with one PENGUIN! i will put up the photo tmr if i remember.. ahha.. i named that PENGUIN "PUING PUING...." cute? wahaha.. after all that,we went to sherley's house.ga sangka,rupana rumahnya rame bok ada mita ii and all. =) dah gtw,kita maem kwetiau belachan oo.. abis semuana dah beres,gua ma gid and vivi pulank oo. and on the way home,all the traffic lights was all GREEN!! so i didnt get the chance to wait for the red light to change into the green light. haha.. i am so damn lucky lah today.. =) wahaha...
mwah mwah..
dah gtw,gua ngobrol ma se gideon,dia cerita tntg kucing yg malang gtw and gua jg ada cerita lah. hahaha..
*puing puing...*

" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

9:41 PM

Sunday, June 15, 2008
i enjoy today very much. haha. went to buy ticket early dis mornink. =)
because,i wanted to watch KUNGFU PANDA! luckily we got the ticket.
anyway,i was not that happy early this mornink because someone asked me
whether we had an extra ticket. perhaps is for his gf or watsoever.
but that sadness didnt last long until i was smsging away and make me
forget about it. =)
anyway,after i bought the ticket,vivi and i went to eat our so called breakfast.
(since it was like 11plus.)
after that,without any hesitation,me and vivi went over to gideon's house and
there we met afong,we met him once at the ticket counter.hehehe.
not long in gideon's house,when i was at about to leave,i couldnt find my car key
and i got to search and threaten someone for it.
from gideon's place,i went to kevin's place then to sun plaza. i am having fun
because,i get to eat twister,watch movie and eat chocolate after that.
it have been a long time since i last ate chocolate. it was *yummy* *manificent*
anyway,my friends could not stop making fun of me with someone. haix.
when it was at about 7plus,my ex came to join us. oh well,i was like
chatting away with him as though there was no tomorrow. i dunno why,but something attract me to have a chat with him and i have this feeling saying that "thank god,my heart no longer pumps so fast." instead,i treat him as though he is my best buddy or my big brother. =)
isint that good?
i think i really like that someone so much. just cant stop getting jealous each time he get so near with gals.
but i think i am the one who recieve no answer or a reply in return.
i'll just wait for that moment to come to let me decide if it is best for me to forget him or for me to still like him. =)

" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

9:41 PM

Saturday, June 14, 2008
sudah terlanjur..
gua sudah terlanjur menyukai mu.. haix.. gmn and kapan feeling in baru bs ilank?
gua udah ga sanggup menahan rasa pedih di hati tiap kale melihat elo gtw mesra sama cewe laen..
apakah semua ini karma?

gua emank udah janji ke elo kl gua nga bkl ngeledikkin elo tntg pacar.. tp semuana telah keluar dari mulut gua sendiri tdi. istilah tak kendali.. maap.gua bukan sengaja,tpi gua dah ga sanggup. kl memank itw kenyataan,itw bisa memperingan beban gua.tlg cepet cari pacar biar gua bs mengakhiri feeling ini. t.t apa enakna melihat org yg kamu cuka bgtw mesra sama cewe laen? mskpn tuh org tlh blg kl mrk cmn sebatas temen. tetapi,bagaimana gua bs ngepastiin kl kln cmn sebatas temen? semua cewe elo perlakukan bgtw lembut,tp sama gua,elo bgtw kasar dan bgtw tak menghargai. bahkan elo menganggap gua sebagai cowo. apakah cewe normal nga bkl cakit hati setelah di perlakukan sprt itw sama org yang dia sukai? memank,gua ga sempurna yang elo bayangkan,gua nga sebagus dan seindah cewe2 laen yg elo idamkan. tp gua berharap elo mengerti dan bisa menjaga feeling gua meskipun sebagai teman. di luar gua kelihattan tegar,tpi apakah elo tau di dalam gua itw sebenarna fragile. gua mencoba untuk menghindar dan berusaha untuk nga ribut ma loe,tp semuana terjadi dengan sendirinya. gua pngn bs kyk cewe laen bgtw lembut dan sebagaina tp................... alangkah baekna bila ada seseorang yg bs menerima gua apa adanya. T.T

*FISHY FISH,kata2 yg diatas mendalam nga? gua dah bete tdi.. haix..*

PS: apakah elo merasa malu kl elo masuk ke sekul yg sama sama gua? haix.

" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

9:42 PM

Friday, June 13, 2008
The rustle of the sand in the arid dessert,resembles the barreness of the thought of my heart. I've been dragged into complicated loves. When i am convinced that affection isn't merely about love,i would put the glorious sacrifice of love at stake. Forgive me for my imperfect,i can't stop this love. The love verses tell the story about my love to you. When happiness begins to overwhelm,i feel like i can live longer but i must leave this love while i am prostrating.

" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

10:05 PM

hey sweetheart thnks for the things u wrote.
anyway,dun worry kae. i will endure with him until the time arrives.
in the meantime now all i can do is just enjoying the situation.
btw,when the time arrives,then it will be the time for me
to realize on whether i should continue or just stop rite there.
how i wish time passes by quickly..

anyway,i went to shir house today with moi sweetheart and afong.
went there and i share so many story with them and i tink they are bored of it already.
we took quite a few pics i will upload it as soon as someone send it to me.
PS: for ur information,my sweetheart is SHERLEY LUEIS! she is my best bud. =)

" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

8:36 PM

Thursday, June 12, 2008
everysingle night and day now i cant stop thinking of u.
i dunno why..
it feel so frustrated.
anyway,got fever today.
i was out in the mornink and couldnt take it anymore
so i slept at my friend place for a while then left home.
i was so freaking tired.
anyway,there is so many things that i want to tell him.
but i got to keep it to myself first because it is not time
yet for me to say it out.
perhaps soon the time will come.
but i have decide not to say it.
who knows i might change my mind.
miss those days!

" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

8:14 PM

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

gua dah balik ne dari brastagi.
asyik jg disana.. waktu cepet banget berlalu..
serasa pngn lama2 ma mrk. tp ada yg ga bs.
jadina plg ari ne.
anyway,meskipun di hati gua masih ada dia,dan gua dah
tau the real him i tink there is nothing much i can do.
he treated every single gal politely and all.
but the weird thing is why he treat me so bad ar?
macam gua da buat salah gtw dhe ma dia.
haha.. tp gpp dah.
yg penting all of us have fun.
anyway,i saw froggy at brastagi too.
ga kesangka isa ketemu dia gtw dech..
tp yg pastina se he is moi friend and nothing more loh.
oh iya,di brastagi we took quite a few pics.
see above.
one of my friend at brastagi said to me tat girls should NOT be too GE ER!
perhaps he is rite. so i have been one of his victim too..
so dissapointed.
ada bnyk yg pngn gua cerita but rasana kenangan gua yg di brastagi,
ga mungkin gua tulis disini.
it would be so shamefull.
but one tink i got to say is tat "I STILL HAVE HEART ON YOU! WEIRD!"


" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

7:45 PM

Saturday, June 7, 2008
perhaps one fine mornink when i woke up
there wouldnt be u in my heart and brain anymore.
but when would it be?
i hope it would be soon.
i cant take it anymore.
and plix for those people who noe abt my past.
please stop teasing and say it out to other people.
it really hurts me. even though some of u dun care how i feel,
but please i cant take it anymore.
i noe i am a piece of rubbish now.
that is why i am just going to stop liking the person tat i like now.
hopefully i would forget him soon.
he got too many gals to take care of.
i am nothing compared to the gals that asked him out and everything.
one ting tat i wont forget abt him is most probably
the memories all of us had.
together with the rest.
please god help me stop thinking and stop liking and stop loving him from now.
i am not a wonderwoman who can tolarate with this any longer.


" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

9:36 PM

Thursday, June 5, 2008
had my graduation day today.
at last i am graduate from my secondary school life..
but still i got one more exam to take this october.
how sad rite?
dis is the hardest part when u study in international school.
after the graduation events and all,all of us went to gideon's to
so called PARTY!!
he open a bottle of wine for us..
how nice of him rite?
we had pizza and paparons deliver.
anyway,thnks gideon and ms.kelly for everything.
luph luph..


" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

10:26 PM

Tuesday, June 3, 2008
terasa beda
gua ngerasa ada yg aneh gtw deh.
kq rasana asal gua ngm ma dia gtw kq beda yach.
pdhl gw berusaha kyk dlo biar sa have fun.
tp mlhan gua ngerasa sedikit hambar gtw dech.
apa karna dia dah sering kale ga jwab sms gua?
aneh dah..

oh iya,gua ari ne jadi anak baek di rumah trus ampe jam 7an.
baru keluar. ke tmpt leley.
abis tu,pigi maem ma ben and gid di tmpt kangkung belachan.
akhirna ampe rmh jam 10.40 gtw dech..
ampe di ngomel gua..

" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

11:21 PM

Monday, June 2, 2008
*ga sangka*
ga sangka ternyata attitude gua btl2
gtw parah ampe ada org blg tkt temenan ma wa
gara2 gua ngmna kasar banget.
mank btul yach wa ngmna ane kasar?
stress gua..
gua rasana cedih banget.
pngn change tp kaga bs. ga tau carana gmn.
someone help me..
gua pngn btl2 kyk cewe.
memank temen gua tuh rata2 cowo and gua lbh suka temenan ma cowo
di banding cewe. kaga tau np gtw.
hin looo....
akhirna attitude gua jadi kyk cowo.
penyesallan selalu datang terakhir..
pngn banget change tp ga tau gmn and how.

" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

9:23 PM

Sunday, June 1, 2008
i'm BEAT!
gosh. today i was suppose to leave house at 6am
to fetch benedic and shir with vivi and leley.
but becoz no one wake me up and my phone is at leley house,
i woke up at like 8plus.
while vivi and leley woke up at 5am just now and they had been
waiting for me.
and i reach at leley house at about 11.
can u imagine h0w long they waited for me?
i am so sory to my two darlings..
anyway,we cancelled our plan to green hill yesterday nite.
but today,we go last minute and we followed the school bus.
together with mr.joseph,ms.rose and mr.joseph's wife and daughter that is
still a baby..
there is nothing much there at green hill.
we are tired of walking round and round.
and i am tired of carrying mr.joseph's daughter.
my hand now is all aching.
it hurts men. i didnt noe tat carrying a baby for so long is so tiring.
but at least now i noe.
omg! i love babies!
they are so innocent and cute.
oh yach,when we reach medan,we went to shirly house to meet her,
do our slides and order something to eat.
i was so happy to see her.
i am happy too to see benedic cause is like he is back
and me,him and william can be like last time again.
like the 3 of us only.
eventhough there is leley,still we will have fun hor ley?
mwah mwah..
leley is even happier dunk yach ley?
i luph my fishy fish too..
muacks muacks..
i'll upload all the photos tmr.

" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

10:09 PM


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Vivid Florentine Teguh AW here.. =) turning 19 this year at april 14. born in Indonesia (MEDAN),leaving for singapore at the end of june or beggining of july. currently in a relationship with a guy name KElvin Leo. thanks to him for being so patient towards me. =) muacks..

LOVE my family my boyfriend all my friends to bake and cook to talk to make people smile and laugh out loud to eat many more things.. =) HATE

being hate by people a friend that forget me a friend that betray me bitches sluts and many more...


* Friend
sherley lueis
shirly hardjono
* Friend

March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
October 2009

Designer: Fish_fries
Photo: Flogao/Byluluka
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