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Saturday, May 31, 2008
loving every single minute and every single second of it.
i left my two phones at leley place and the other one at winona.
lucky i have my laptop if not die ar..

anyway,yesterday i had lots of fun with my old friend.
although not everybody attend,i still love it alot.
i like slept at 6.30 in the mornink today.
they did not sleep at all.
they go for swimming. cant take it anymore just now,
if not,i would have followed them..
i cant say it all out here. coz its way too long..
but seriously it was like crazy..
especially when we have the two jokers!
the fun tat we had its undescribeable anymore..
luph everyone!!!


" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

10:06 PM

Wednesday, May 28, 2008
gua cemalem had lots of fun with my school friends and teachers..
well apparently we went for badminton yesterday.
yesterday was like many of us went there.
anyway,the fun part was when we versus one of the teacher.
nama guruna tuh mr IRVIN.
kt maen double. dia bareng sih william.
gua bareng gideon.
yang parah itw dan yang bikin kita ketawa ampe cakit perut
ampe dari berdiri ge mau serve tiba2 ketawa ampe duduk kt bertiga tuh
pass mr irvin lap keringatna pakek tangan then muka dia item cemua..
dah gtw,gua btl2 kaga aim pny tp tetep aja asal gua smash dah 2 kale kena
muka guru gua itw.
pity him sia..
tp lucu lah semalam..
gua dah lama kaga ketawa ampe gtw..
kapan2 kt maen badminton lage dhe barenk guru2.
guru2 yg semalam ikt tuh salah satu is our DIN.
DIN means BP.
oh iya,lusa gua ma temen2 sutomo bkal bbq di rmah gua..
tp yg datang cmn cikit orgna.
but i tink is ok lah as long as we can have fun and all..
true? true?
rencananya bsk baru gua pigi beli barang2 bbq.
moga2 ne bbq kaga di batal deh..
gua ge pngn happy2..
ge pgn enjoy sebelom result gua semua dah final..
peace peace..
oh iya,
gua dah 2 hari kaga ke sekolah ne.
kykna bsk jg kaga sekul lage.
males ah..
di sekul jg kaga tau mau buat apa ja..
hin looo.....
sekarang ge pkrne mau kasih mc and letterna tertulis apa..
adek gua dah merdeka tuh dia..
mentang ga ke sekul,keluar trus ma mama gua..
parah dah..
tar malem mau pigi les lagu..
bsk jg less.

" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

2:33 PM

Monday, May 26, 2008
gua pass sabtu yach kl ga salah ke sun bareng temen2...
lge nyari baju gtw dhe..
trus kt sambil tunggu ga tau sapa deh sambil masuk ke
art station pny shop.
duh gila..
ada bnyk penguin yg di gantung di depan pintu..
variety of colours somemore..
yg item bagus sia..
tp setelah gua pkr2 beli pun tar ga tau mau tarok dmn.
jadi gua blom beli dhe..
padahal pass gua tny temen2 gua whether it is worth it or not.
they said is quite cheap.
hargana kl ga salah ingat se 15ribu yach..
beli ga ya?
hin looooo....

" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

9:38 PM

Sunday, May 25, 2008
today is like a freaking boring day for me!
i am like at home since morning.
nothing better to do then to off and online.
other than that i am watching tv and playing game.
got a stomach cramp.
i feel like bluttering out all the bad words!
but i must control..
i should have went out with other people just now.
weird huh.
is like during exam time passes by so quickly but now time passes by
so slow...
i want to have fun and not to just spent my day at home
growing fungi!

" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

7:05 PM

Saturday, May 24, 2008
serasa beda
gua hari ini shopping men..
beli baju ga tau ampe brp dahh...
yg pastina bnykk...
mrk udah kawanin gua untuk cari baju..
and thanks sapu for being so gentle and help me carry my shopping bags.
gua baru tau rupanya kl kt beli baju atau cari baju bareng cowo,
itw lumayan menyenangkan yach..
mrk kasih komentar gtw tntg baju yg kt coba..
baru pertama kale ini gua beli and cari baju bareng cowo..
they are the best men..
temen memank tetep temenku..

" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

10:10 PM

Friday, May 23, 2008
i am 100000000000000000000000000000%

" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

9:15 PM

Thursday, May 22, 2008
i have tried my very best..
i tried my very best to let u noe how i feel.
--------''---------- to let u noe tat i need u.
--------''---------- to let u noe tat i wan ur care.
--------''---------- to let u noe tat i miss ur laughter.
--------''---------- to let u noe tat i miss ur voice.
--------''---------- to let u noe tat i miss fighting with u.
--------''---------- to tell u tat i actually still LIKE u.

but all of tat is just a waste of time dun u tink so?
u are too dumm to realize all tat.
u are too dumm to even know tat i actually exist.
last but not least,
i tried my very best to let u noe tat i hate u as much as i like u.
such a lame ting to write such ting in a blog.
but i got nothing better to write sia..
gotten my result.
and i am damn SATISFIED with my CHINESE RESULT!!!
mwah mwah mwah...

the sad ting is tat,i am still wating for the final agreement
from my family which country tat i will go to continue my study.
if it is my choice.
i would choose TAIWAN!
coz it is something different..
something challenging i bet..

" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

8:52 PM

Wednesday, May 21, 2008
gua hari ini tidur paling banyak deh..
pagi bangunnnya jam 10an trus pass jam 3pm lanjut tidur lage ampe jam 6an.
skrg ne jadi burung hantu gua..
ga ngantuk pl..
oh iya,gua td jam 7an keluar bareng temen2..
and today is like the frist day in my whole life time..
gua kena siram air yg ada di jalan..
dasar mbl gila lah..
ga tau mbl sapa lage langsung tancep gtw
dan akhirna airna sembur semua..
gara2 si babi jg lah..
buka pintu segala!!
dah gtw gua di suan ge ma sih babi tuh..
kurang ajar..
gua skrg dah mulai takut kl gua bener2 sa CLBK..
mg2 ga bkl..
gua ma dia tetep bs jadi temen..
lucu dech pokokna ari ne di rumah vivi..
bis vivi ultah le..
akhirna semua org kena krim except kiki loh..
toh kiki,wa,ny2 ma aida berondok di wc.
gtw2 mrk masih sa lempar kue loh yach..
lucu deh..
unutng gua rekam td kondisi kt semua..
tar ada lage yg perlu wa blg..
tp ga sa di tls di sini..
becoz it is to private.

" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

10:32 PM

Tuesday, May 20, 2008
8 years is more than enough!
gua kaga mau lage balik ke singapore!
is so boring..
i need new environtment..
no matter what it is,
i will make sure i go TAIWAN!!!

" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

9:41 PM

Monday, May 19, 2008
every words means something.
when i found the word jealousy,
i found the word like,
followed up with the word love,
the bitter,sweet and sour taste of our love life,
the bitter taste that hurts heart,
the sweet taste that make our heart blossom,
the sour taste that make our heart full of envyness.
all this words is only the meaning of one part of love.
everyone of us will go through this.
and the hardest thing that all of us will ever taste is the
bitterness in love.
everything will be fine if we just take it easyy and smilee allll the wayyy

my past still haunts me till now..
and i really hope all of you will stop making fun of me and him again..
is the past already and i dun wish to remember it anymore..
everytime each of u make fun of me and him,i feel that
something is piercing my heart because the memory that i had with him,
came back to me.
i guess that is why i am so restless today..
or perhaps i am too tired.

" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

8:52 PM

felt so restless today..
dunno why..
feel like sleeping but when i am on my bed,
my eyes couldnt close anymore..
parah dah..
today i had my last exam..
which is BIOLOGY!
and it is out of my expectation again!
i thought PAPER 1 would be 1 hour and 30 min.
rupanya cmn SATU JAM!
PAPER 2 is 1 hour and 45 min.
PAPER 3 is 1 hour and 30 min.
in one hour i got to do 40 MCQ question..
everyhitn is over now and i should have fun.
but i am so restless..

" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

8:46 PM

Sunday, May 18, 2008
what to do?
when i get to see him and get to talk to him,
my heart pound faster and faster every second.
everytime when i get to meet him,
i try to take lots and lots of glance of him.
is this love?
i feel so happy when i get to play and talk with him.
even though most of the time we are making fun of each other.
i think that is the special thing he had in him.
that is why i can like him.
he is not like other guys that i knew.
whereby i got to watch out words that came out of my mouth.
although we make fun of each other,there is nothing like a real fight.
i feel that he is someone whom i can relay on and who know
the way i feel.
i was wondering whether i exist in his eyes.
sometime i feel that i exist but sometime is the opposite.
i am such a sensitive girl that doesnt know how to control my jealousy.
everytime when there are girls who go near him,my heart feels weird.
is that jealousy or is that heart ache?
i know i have no rights to be jealous or even be angry
because he is none other than my friend.
a simple friend if that is what he thinks.
everyday i get different kind of attitudes from him.
sometime he can be so good to me
and sometime he can be so mean to me
and treat as though i am not exist.
am i really that bad till he treat me that way?
i feel that everytime when i get to go out with him,
and he cant stop smsging and meet up with girls,
my feeling is undescribeable.
i really hope all these feelings will fade away.
tried so many times to let that feeling fade
but it always come back to me.
today,i cant bearly talk to him anymore at night.
i feel that something is piercing my heart and i dunno what is that.
i am just gonna study now.
hope everything that i study later will go into my brain..

" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

10:04 PM

Saturday, May 17, 2008
gila dah..
ada2 aja org medan..
kl keluar bareng trus ngm tlp trus ketemuan gtw,
di namain dah pacaran..
cape dech...
ganti nickname aja dah di blg gua dah ada pacar..
org medan ada2 aja..
pokokna bukan pacar gua dhe..
cmn temen baek gua..
malah tuh org gua baru kenal 1thun setengah aja..


" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

10:28 PM

Friday, May 16, 2008
cinta ini membunuhku! (this song is full of meaning)
Kau membuat, ku berantakan.
Kau membuat, ku tak karuan.
Kau membuat, ku tak berdaya.
Kau menolak ku, acuhkan diri ku.

Bagaimana, caranya untuk,
Meruntuhkan, kerasnya hati mu.
Ku sadari, ku tak sempurna,
Ku tak seperti, yang kau inginkan.

Kau hancurkan aku dengan sikap mu,
Tak sadarkah kau telah menyakiti ku.
Lelah hati ini meyakinkan mu,
Cinta ini, membunuh ku.

[#] ~~ [Reff]



Woo… Hu~u… Haa…
Lelah hati ini meyakinkan mu,
Cinta ini, membunuh ku.

" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

9:42 PM

cinta ini membunuhku! (this song is full of meaning)

" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

9:42 PM

gua berharap banget dia ga ikut..
bukan karna gua benci..
tp rasanya kq gua ada beban gtw kl dia ikt.
only babe noes how i feel now..
rasanya beda gtw dhe..
swear gua bukan takut CLBK!
and it is IMPOSSIBLE for me to CLBK
becoz in my heart there is someone else already..
i am afraid that i cant take it when my friends will
make fun of me and him..
why am i stuck in this situation?
damn it!
all i can do now is just hoping for that day to come
and i will see what happend next..
i hope it wont destroy the happiness that i wan with them..
this is gonna be the last..
plixxxx i hope everyone would go!!!
why izzit so hard to arrange such simple ting?

" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

9:16 PM

Thursday, May 15, 2008
haha.. gua blh di blg ari ne cenenk dhe gara2 my english mark!!
tp rada kesel jg padahal sisa a few mark aja gua udah bs dapat A!
guruna pelit...
tp gpp dhe..
gua lumayan shock jg tat i scored quite well lah..

" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

9:06 PM

Wednesday, May 14, 2008
this was suppose to be post on monday!
i got so many things that i want to write here
but it seems that the situation that i want to write about
could not be written and describe in words.
i had my chinese exammination today and it is
out of my expectation. i didnt know that
it will be so easy. i think i could get a very high mark.
i was quite pissed today during exam..
the reason of why i am so pissed is because
i do not understand why some people cant try to do the question
that was given first instead of asking for all the answers around.
i am not being selfish. i just feel that if they copied all my answers than
what is the use of my talent and what is the use of them to be schooling?
today paper was the easiest and yet so many people asked for answer.
worse still some people just asked for the whole paper answer!

anyway,i just want to let all of you know that if u are pissed with me
and want to say bad things about me or scold me,said it RIGHT ON MY FACE!
be someone who knows how people feel.
when someone said they cant then it means they cant!
dont give your F***ING faces and attitude towards me!
i wouldnt care now!
i would not even pester you and asked you not to be angry!
the more you show me that attitude,the more
you will be hate by me! i will just ignore you the hell out of it!

" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

8:39 PM

i have been all stuck up with the exam that i am having now.
i have been wanting to talk to someone that can chat with me
and make me not stress up.
anyway,life would be better if there are no exam.
i am like having geography exam tmr and yet i am still all relax here.
i have my business exam just now.
paper was superb it was not tat easy
and some of us did not have enought time to finish some question.
paper 2 is worst!
the first impression that i made when i saw the question,
i am so relief now that my business exam is over.
but tomorrow,i got to face my geopgraphy exam
and the next day is PHYSICS and i got 3 paper to take in a day!
i am just gonna fail that subject!
last but not least,MONDAY IS MY LAST EXAM!!!
3 paper to take for bio at one go on monday.
hopefully my bio result would ne outrageous!
mr.sam told me that my paper2 result for english are the top few.
the unbeliveable one is that my score is higher than fishy fish!
what have happend to her ar?
i have been taking a nap in the afternoon since the exam started.

" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

8:35 PM

Sunday, May 11, 2008
about my feelings..
i am happy to know that we are going brastagi on june. so i am going too..
but i am also scared that the moment for us to leave each other will come so soon..
after the brastagi thing,i have been wondering whether we will still contact each other..
each of us going to different country to continue our study..
i am just scared and fear of that moment...
we will have fun though but the sad moment would come too..
when that moment come,i dunno how we all will react..
maybe for some of u is just a very normal thing..
but i dun tink it is normal..
only time would decide on what will happend..
hopefully it is the best for us..

" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

10:22 PM

(no words for this title)
early morning i was happy but when it reach afternoon,everything
was tossle up... i was so pissed off becoz someone took away my only geography note!! argh!! the note that i have been writting for my exam!
futher more,my mom and sis added up to my anger..
and everything just went KABOOM!!!
i am so sinfull today..
may everyone forgive me..

i am going for my passion! i must not change my mind again!
jadi org itw harus ada prinsip..
gua cape ahh denger different2 advice and suggestion from everyone..
make me cant stick with my option and passion..

anyway,after all those sinfull and athrosious day,i finally have a happy day with some of my friends..
and guess wat tmr i am having my final year exam mandarin paper..
and i am still so calm here writting my blog and chat at the same time and sms...


" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

9:51 PM

Friday, May 9, 2008
plixxx plixxx...
gua mau ke brastagi!
gua pngn ribut ma tuh org!
gua pngn banget pny bnyk kenangan ma kln2!!
tp kq pigina may se..
gua lgi ujiann...
huiks huikss..
pergina juneeeeeeeeee dunnnkkkkkkkkkkk.........
whueeeeee.......... T.T
mau pigi!!

anyway,mantapnya ne... ari ne di sekul ga tau dhe ngapaen aja kt2..
yg pastina kt latihan dance dari jam 12.15 ampe jem 3.15 or lbh..
tp ampe rmh gua mlh lupa ma gerakkannya..
gua kykna ga bkl dance coz my dance is atrocious.
like a piece of cow DUNG!
happend some drama dis morning just becoz of some simple..
arent u old enough to speak out for urself?
dun be a mama child..

ga sangka tuh org isa demam jg..
ketular sapa tuh yach?
anyway,org yg gua blg itw yach..
kl ngm ma dia atau sms atau chat atau keluar ma dia and temen2..
pasti dhe.. tiada hari tanpa ribut pny..
itu lah enaknya dari dia..
dia kaga cepet marah.. kdg nyebellin banget aja..
gua lgi menanti2 satu hari yg bs ribut heboh ma dia..
bis kl ribut ma dia,SEHEBOH apa pun,tetep aja ga bs kyk bnr2 marah gtw..
lucu aja ma dia..

" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

10:04 PM

Thursday, May 8, 2008
today from morning till evening i was having a great time.
especially during school time when we get to practice our dance for graduation.
my partner was wirianto.
i thought he would be a pain in the eye..
my expectation was wrong.
he is gud at dancing. at least better than ZON!
i am happy to have him as my partner..
is just that he is very naughty during the rehearsal.
hopefully we can be a gud dancing partner just for the graduation ting.
oh yach,i just know that gideon is a fast learner.
the way he learn how to dance just now and the way he dance is like someone
who had dance before..
it was fun until there is some conflict between some of us. tats a long story.. and it is unpleasant to write it here. so yach..

anyway,came back from school i quickly take a nap coz i cant take it no longer since
last night i stayed up till like wat 1am in the morning. just for the song. someone kept me company though since he is the one who send songs to me. =) *thanks*
when i woke up at around 7.30pm just now,i was like having a slight fever,cough and flu. but still i have my tuition. coz time is precious and i left 4 days
till i take my math final year exam.
after tuition i ended opening my laptop coz i got to finish up
the proposal as the teachers had asked it from me for the graduation night.
so far,i have not finished my proposal becoz i was chatting with sukarto and chatting with babe. =)
we chat quite alot,about studies until rabbits!
i had a rabbit once which belongs to the whole class.. but he got rabbit tat belong to him..
his was in white colour.. while mine is in brown.
the class had it for like wat 1 week and it was dead. but him,
he got it for half year already and now his rabbit is quite big. he showed me his rabbit picture. indeed it is big now. his rabbit is a she and so is mine.. but his got name while ours don't.her name was bebe. haha.. cute eh?
he told me quite a few tings about his rabbit..
i think all rabbits are like tat..
his one was just as naughty as mine.
but his one can grumble while mine dun grumble..
bebe eats everything as wat he said. and love to bites tings.. haha..
but mine only bites rag,tissues,newspaper and carton.
anyway,it was fun toking with him.
oh yach,babe is sick too..
toss kt babe..

" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

9:42 PM

Wednesday, May 7, 2008
i give a damn!
i give a damn on how u treat me.
but i dun give a damn on how u treat the others!

it feels so hard to treat all my friends equally..
what is wrong with me?
since i have tuition at home,i have been very lazy and all..
but my brain in school is like at the fastest speed..
is tat good or bad?

" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

7:27 PM

Monday, May 5, 2008
do u dislike me tat much?
i just cant hold on to this situation any longer.
what i see is what that hurts me most.
all of them were right. it is a fool who would fell for u.
what is wrong with u?
why cant u just gave me an answer to my question?
i really cant stand it anymore.
everytime u are out of my mind,u came back for no reason.
i am not a doll for you to be fool around!
fool other gals but not me plix..
how i wish u had a gf now so my feeling for u would fade away.

" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

9:17 PM

Sunday, May 4, 2008
still hoping.
lets just hope tat everything went on as what i have been hoping for this one year.
if possible i would want it to happend fast.
coz it feels bad for me to be just hanging..
perhaps someday and somehow u are erase from my heart..
i just want to noe when will tat happend..
even though i was hoping tat wat i c is not wat i am going to believe.
its been many times since i last decide on whether i should just erase u out of my heart.
but it came back naturally.. i dunno how it came back..
perhaps i have not find someone who can replace u. haix.
every single steps that i make,i hope its the best for me..
i am like having english final exam tomorrow and now i am still able to write on my blog.
today,i went out with my dad. apparently,my dad agree on what i have decide and tat is best for me.
in school i am having 7 exam.
but i am focusing 5 and for the other 2 exam,i am just going to ignore it. i mean not totally ignore. as i have the permission from my dad. =)
got plenty of great tings i got from my dad.
at last,yesterday he made his final decision and he let me go to brastagi with my old friends. arent that great?
i hope my final exam wont dissapoint my parents.
there are like plenty of things i want to do and that i have plan for it.
but i am afraid i might not succede. that feelings make me feel restless and lazy.
anyway,my dad told me just now tat i should think twice on whether i really want to take culinary studies. haix.
but he asked me not to think it now. he asked me to just flow with the flow and asked me not to worry so much.
my dad really knows how to calm me down. love him lot.. mwah..

" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

8:41 PM

Friday, May 2, 2008
pissedd offf...
today i was actually having lots of fun in school and i actually listen to what the teachers taught us just now..
but i was a little sleepy den..
anyway,it went bad just when the clock strike 2.15
i was being choosen to organise for the class graduation day..
it was ok when it started.
through the time half way,i started to get emotional and start
scolding one of the guy.
and we had a great fight.
i was so pissed with him..
i have been like shouting on top of my voice.
i am not a good organiser..
get so emotional just because of some fucking things..
btw,everything went normal when my i asked help from my form teacher.
and now we are being devided into 2 groups.
one is ballroom dancing which would be directed by me.
second one is the comedy live show which would be directed by leley.
the time when i shouted ontop of my voice,
i thought i would have lost my voice. coz its been a long time since i shouted that loud.

" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

9:20 PM

Thursday, May 1, 2008
take a lookk..
should take a look what i had chat with ... today..
is weird yet fun.. haha..
miss him lots..
i wonder will he ever reply my feelings?

life despaired knowing whenever i walking towards you,yet your walking away creating space zone that i will never reach out to you anymore..
done and created by hardy.
makasih banyak bro..

" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

10:43 PM

hoping everything gets better
there have been gaps between babe and me..
i have got no idea why did tat happend to us..
perhaps becoz we are busy with our things..
its been long time since i last share my story with u..
and since u last share ur story to me..
anyway babe.. i miss u lots..
pengen banget kyk di singapore kt ngmnya bnyk2 gtw..
and u took care of me so much when i was having fever..
thanks alot darl..

friends forever..
mwah.. =)

" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

10:38 PM


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Vivid Florentine Teguh AW here.. =) turning 19 this year at april 14. born in Indonesia (MEDAN),leaving for singapore at the end of june or beggining of july. currently in a relationship with a guy name KElvin Leo. thanks to him for being so patient towards me. =) muacks..

LOVE my family my boyfriend all my friends to bake and cook to talk to make people smile and laugh out loud to eat many more things.. =) HATE

being hate by people a friend that forget me a friend that betray me bitches sluts and many more...


* Friend
sherley lueis
shirly hardjono
* Friend

March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
October 2009

Designer: Fish_fries
Photo: Flogao/Byluluka
Font: 1
Texture: 1
Brushes: 1 4 3
Pattern: 1
Hosts: 1 4