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Monday, March 31, 2008
my mom is the BEST!!
omg!! i love my mommy.. she really pro me lah..
thank god.
anyway,i was moved right to back and the corner of the class. after that i was chase out by that teacher. so gladly and happily i walk out of the class.
came back and told my mom about it.
and my mom said tell her that you want to sit infront. if you have told her for the third time and she ignore you,tell her if she need to see me? i'll go there right away.

" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

8:36 PM

Sunday, March 30, 2008
without you
i'm tired of walking and standing in the night.
i cover my memory with flowing tears.
the numbers of meeting makes the same number of seperation,but i believed that limitless time goes on.
now i embrace even words which hurt each other and i only look back.... i feel alone....
how should i love you?
how could i feel you?
without you...................
innumerable memories fill up the time.
i loved you, and i was hurt by you.
i realized the depth of the word 'LOVE'
i still remember the days when i searched answerless tomorrow for a dream
the skys which expands boundlessly again
i ask meaning of birth, meaning of living now
how should i love you?
how could i feel you?
without you, the endless poem of ''LOVE''
(i'll dedicate it) to you now

" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

10:50 PM

well today was a bad day till i go out with a bunch of friend.
early in the morning,i quarrel with someone..
then in the afternoon,i went for badminton and the court was close so we went to malibu to play. it was so expensive there. wasted so much money.
cause half way i got to join my old friend for movies. so ya..
when to meet them up and the movie really sucks alot!!!
i was so fucking fed up.. got a bad head ache somemore..
till now my heads still hurts.
anyway,went to take picture after the movie. some of the picture where splendid!!
after that we went to eat at tongs and saw few of my cousins.
i was acting weird.. dunno what cause me acting so weird.
after that we went home..
and i am having a bad headache now..
going for swimming this coming saturday with them. hopefully i can go. haix.
anyway,going to sleep soon. my eyes cant take it anymore. t.t
i'll put the photos tmr..

" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

10:30 PM

Saturday, March 29, 2008
way back into love.
i've been living in the shadow overhead. i've been sleeping with the cloud above my bed. i've been lonely for so long. trapped in the past i cant seem to move on.
i've been hiding all my hopes and dreams away. just in case i ever need them again someday. i've been setting aside time to clear a little space in the coner of my mind.
all i wanna do is find a way back into love.
i cant make it through without a way back into love.
i've been watching but the stars refuse to shine. i've been searching but i just dont see the sign,i know that it's out there.
there's got to be something for my soul somewhere. i've been looking for someone to shed some light,not somebody jsut to get me through the night. i could use some direction and i am open to your suggestions.
all i wanna do is find a way back into love.
i cant make it through without a way back into love and if i open my heart again,i guess i'm hoping you'll be there for me in the end.
there are moments when i dont know if its real or if anybody feels the way i feel. i need inspiration not just another negotiation.
all i wanna do is find a way back into love.
i cant make it through without a way back into love and if i open my heart to you,i'm hoping you'll show me what to do and if you help me to start again,you know that i'll be there for you in the end.

" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

6:44 PM

all i want is just a happy ending and a happy life without worry and all.
tday is a very boring day!

" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

6:43 PM

Friday, March 28, 2008
guess what!!! i thought i was not being recommended to take the O'level papers this year. and i was damn wrong to think that way.
the best thing is that the school recommended me to take 6 subjects for the O'level!! gosh! it was just like a dream. felt very relieved once i heard the news!!

" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

7:19 PM

it was long since...
it was long since i last talk to you. when will i ever get to tell you what is happening in my school and etc. anyway,i recall back one incident that happened in brastagi. there were five of us in the car. we were on our way home when suddenly there were a traffic jam that really make us stuck there for the whole 8 hours! could you just imagine how long is that. but,that was the best gift on the first day of the year that i ever receive from god. anyway,we were playing true or dare in the car and there is this one guy where by he gotten dare and that was when the incident happened. since he gotten dare,i dare him to put on the lip gloss that i had brought along in my bag and apparently he uses the lipstick. after that,we went out of the car and walk all the way down to one of the stall to lend toilet. he told me this'' everyone was looking at me just now and i thought they looked at me because i am handsome.unfortunately it wasn't because of that. it was because of the lipstick on my lips that is shining away and that make people look at me. i quickly rub away the lipstick.'' hahaha... it was a very shameful thing to think that way though. but that was the best incident that i could remember. and of course many more but it is impossible for me to say it all here. some memories that is mend to be kept in our heart would be kept there forever and ever.

" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

7:02 PM

Thursday, March 27, 2008
exhausted yet happy and emotional. (=
i did not go to school today. just for the sake of cheng beng. it was so adventurous but exhausting. early in the morning all of us will meet up at the temple and today we laugh and play alot there. it was no like other ordinary day. it was different from the past past past year. we went to so many places just to pray. it was freaking hot when the clock strike 10am. i got darker and my cheek was reddish. haha. anyway,when we get back,i was so exhausted. i quickly take a bath and straight went to bed. woke up a few times because of noises. woke up around 4.30 and went to saloon with my aunt. since our hair was all smelly and oily and we are to exhausted to wash it our self.
did not know what happened to me just now. when i woke up,i tend to get so impatient and got so emotional with my aunt and all. was so pissed without knowing why i was so pissed. anyway,went to aunt house just now after the saloon thing. they were chatting away and i want to get home as soon as possible as i was so frustrated. guess what. i just got back home and ate Durian. i am not fully recover yet i ate Durian. haix. poor me.
P.S : love the early sun and love the early laughter.

" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

10:20 PM

Wednesday, March 26, 2008
such a beautiful and a wonderful day..
well not exactly that wonderful..
today school was nothing.
cause i do not have so many lessons.
i was like chatting away with vivi during the free period in the library.
after school,fishy fish,kambing and me were fetch by loretta from school to go to her house to cook. so,from school,we went to vigo to buy the ingredients but there was nothing there. so we went to the brastagi store to buy and of course we found all the things that we need there. hehe..
anyway,we cook mushroom today.. my style of cooking and my own invention. it was delicious!! we eat as though there was no other day left. finish eating in a while and it was super duper spicy! haha..
today,i totally miss Mr.A alot. does not know why do i miss him lots. could not stop talking about him. loretta and vivi keep asking why do i fell in love with such guy. haha.. i guess love is blind.
anyway,from loretta's house,vivi and i went to Australia centre for tuition. was so sleepy during the lesson and could not stop dozing off.
anyway,i am not going to school tomorrow because i am following my mom to the tombstone to pray as it is CHENG BENG! this would be the last year that i go for CHENG BENG as next year i am no longer in Medan.

P.S : going to know whether i am recommended to take the O'level papers this friday!

" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

9:52 PM

Monday, March 24, 2008
guess what..
i have been sick for like 3 days just before i came back medan. i was having fever. ate so many panadol and hopping that will get well soon before i leave but in return i was even more sick than usual. could not take it and was planning not to go back on that day. but the fear of my dad make me went back to medan.
i do miss them lots. didnt had the chance to go out with them till dawn though.

yesterday i went to school to accompany sherley to find her friend's o'lvl paper year 2007.
went through every drawer and locker.
in other hand i went to school to take my physics text book too since AJ said that we had test on monday. which is today! but guess what,ms.theresa cancel the test. phew!!
went back at about 9pm last nite. got scolding from mom.

today,the class was so peaceful without gideon and wirianto around.
it is so boring today.
anyway,the 6 of us as usual had to go for IELTS tution. but winona did go and as for william and wirianto,they were the first to reach. as for vivi,gideon and me,we reach half an hour after the lesson had started. before that,gideon stop at his complex playground to do his english homework and since vivi and i got nothing to do,we went to buy snacks. told gideon to wait for us. after we bought the snacks we were turning back and could not find the main road so we were truning round and round then vivi told me to go against the rule. that is where i did listen to what she said and met the P's car. i got to do the long reverse because the road could only fit in one car. could not believe that the one sitting infront was him. so i asked him and yah. simply just like that. was hoping there is more to tok.
anyway,the swollen near my ear had not cured and i hope it was gone soon. coz it hurts alot. haix.

" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

9:25 PM

Thursday, March 20, 2008
dissapointed and made van and devar dissapointed..
OH MY GOD!!! I made vany and devar so disappointed in me...
i totally forgot about devar and as for vany,i cancel our outing...
i am so sorry.........

early in the morning mita ii really treat me as her daughter i guess.. i was still asleep and she brought me chocolate milk and boiled egg to eat.. then i went to bed again..
*kpot lohahahahaha* type by shir

anyway,in the evening,shirly had to go for her piano exam so we send her there by cab then we go to UOB plaza to deliver something and move on to meet shirly at wheelock place,nokia care shop to fix my phone..
today everything is in a rush..
hate it alot!!!
after that we rush all the way to ME to buy medicine and guess what,the doctor had closed and so i got to rush there on saturday morning just to buy the medicine before i leave for batam..
then after that,i rush all the way to paragon to meet hariadi..
he told me that he had a surprise for me..
so when i saw him, WEI QING was there too.. i was so surprise to see himm..
then behind me,there is an even bigger surprise.
my god...
i am so happy to see both of them...
then my leg start to hurt alot..
so we went to coffee bean to take a seat and drink..
we chit chatting all the way till around 7.30 pm and i got to go back to wheelock to collect my phone! i repair it cause it was spoiled!!
then the 4 of us when to the scrapbook shop..
i bought few things that really cost me alot..
almost $100!!!
but it was beautiful..
then we went out of wheelock to get cab,there is this bitch that snatch cab from us..
van was so pissed..
van went to pasir ris while,wei qing,me and hardy went to tiong to eat..
so,we spilt..
supposingly we are supposed to meet up again at 11pm..
but my leg hurt badly and so i decide to cancel it..
van was pissed i guess and so is hardy...
so soryy..
when i came back,i pack all my things and it was bloody hell alot!!!
then i came online where devar gave me a shocked..
because i totally forgot to tell him that i was in singapore and he was angry with me..
anyway,meeting up with him tomorrow ant 10am at bugis..
shu jit was also angry with me because i have not talk to him for a long time!!!
oh ya!!!!
anyway, i was disappointed today because there is this one guy here that was supposed to go out with me but didn't manage too.. cause,he had a sudden tuition. and that guy was the guy i used to call him froggy for the past 6 years!

" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

10:57 PM

Wednesday, March 19, 2008
today cindy and i woke up at 11 something...
went to play with her dog name chiki! her dog is so cute..
she was like calling her '' chiki oiii...''
anyway, after that we took a bath and take our lunch..
then we go to fu nan to buy my mini hard disk..
then went to taka to look for clothes..
but did not get any..
soon,she left with her friends.. i was left alone so i went to talking hall to take a look..
went back home to finish up the things for shirly and at last it was done..
then went out with benedic to wheelock to buy one ipod touch,two speaker,two charger and my dad'scover for the ipod touch...
then soon we met cindy again..
we went to sakae sushi to eat.. we are so noisy..
thank god cindy and benedic could get along..
if not,the situation would be so stiff...
then we were rushing to far east to take picture. unfortunately it had close so went around far east to see..
went to zinc to take a look at the bags..
ben bought one leather bag for school.. its unique.
i bought one white bag for outing. i'll paste the picture tomorrow..
not long we went home..
and now i am home...
just now i was helping mita ii to move the door glass and all...
going to sleep now..
hope i'll have a sweet dream...

" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

11:45 PM

18-03-08 its TUESDAY
i went to ikea for 6 hour with mita ii... bought so many things..

i'll take picture of the things that i bought for memories..

oh ya..

i ate the ikea hot dog..
DELICIOUS!!! $1.00 only!!!
after ikea,i went to wheelock to meet up cindy,mega and jessica..
cindy treat us at fish & co. then after that we go to mango..
in mango we took picture..
we get scolding from the person.. because we took picture using the big mirror on the staircase...
then we moved on to far east to buy things...
ended up we bought nothing...
we took picture again infront of far east..
i was supposed to go to cindy's house to stay over but iwas too lazy..
so half way on the cab,i drop cindy home and i went back home myself...
not long after that i told cindy that i will go her house to stay over and i reach at about 12am..
before that i was assembelling parts of wood that could form into something for shirly.. fight it over with benn...
i'll paste the picture on what i had made for her tomorrow..
so after that i went over to cindy place to stay over..
when i reach her house,it was dark and her house is damn big...
went over to her bed room.. chit chatting for a while and went to bed soon after that...
that is what i have done on TUESDAY!

" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

11:17 PM

17-03-08 its MONDAY!!
i always fogot to write blog..
anyway on monday i was at home.. i only got out of the house with mita ii to buy few vegetables to cook for ben and shir...
guess what.. its been a long time since i last cook and i ended up cooking variety of vegetables and is delicious.. its damn spicy till ben could not eat even more..
my finger was like hot after i cook because i chopped small chillie..
and its those spicy type..
but its fun cooking men..
i told vivi about it..
and she was like nagging saying that i cook for shir and ben and not her.. wahaha....
so cute lahh she...

" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

11:10 PM

Tuesday, March 18, 2008
16-03-08 it's a sunday
cute eh???

well... on Sunday.... hmmm.... i have been in Singapore for 4 days already... forgotten to write blog on Sunday... so i wrote it today.. lets start... well....... on Sunday, benedic,shirly,mita ii,madelline,billy koko and me went to orchard to eat and buy things.. since the next day ben and shir starts school,shir's mom was so worried and asked us to go back home first.. it's a good thing though that ben,shir and me went back home first. because we did not took any picture.. so once we step into the house,shirly was practicing her piano since thursday she got test. so,ben and i went to change to our pajamas... after the both of us got chance,shirly went to change too.. and we run to benedic's room to take picture using his mac book.. is cool men..
the three of us could not believe that we could take 176 pictures in 30 min!!!!
during the picture taking,ben could not stop bullying shir and so i could not stop bullying him.. so far,i have not been bullied by the both of them during the photo shot... hehe..

" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

10:45 AM

Monday, March 17, 2008
shirly heree! ;D

this is vivid's neww bloggggggggggggggggggg,

ha ha ha.

" you leave me SPEECHLESS, when say that you love me."

10:08 PM


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Vivid Florentine Teguh AW here.. =) turning 19 this year at april 14. born in Indonesia (MEDAN),leaving for singapore at the end of june or beggining of july. currently in a relationship with a guy name KElvin Leo. thanks to him for being so patient towards me. =) muacks..

LOVE my family my boyfriend all my friends to bake and cook to talk to make people smile and laugh out loud to eat many more things.. =) HATE

being hate by people a friend that forget me a friend that betray me bitches sluts and many more...


* Friend
sherley lueis
shirly hardjono
* Friend

March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
October 2009

Designer: Fish_fries
Photo: Flogao/Byluluka
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